DAI Training Prepares 115 Leaders for 'Rebuilding After Crisis'

DAI is leading an initiative to rebuild communities and congregations as we recover from two years of crisis after crisis.  In the Hebrew Scriptures, the books of Ezra and Nehemiah tell the stories of a people coming out of the destruction of their temple and capital, and emerging out of exile.  Over time the people become resilient and political, and they perdure.   

This retreat was about reflecting deeply on these scriptures and examining how we can implement this in our own congregations and communities.  Leaders aim to become a people who recognizes the stranger by seeing the face of God in the other.

115 leaders came from 17 schools, congregations, nonprofits and refugee community institutions across Dallas County and Tyler.  


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  • Dallas Area Interfaith
    published this page in News 2022-06-15 13:41:31 -0500